ABC Committee
President: Kate Beauchamp
I have been a parent at Cranbrook for three years, with my son George now boarding at Rammell and going into Year 12 from September 2024.
We have been really impressed by Cranbrook throughout and from day one George has loved the boarding experience and being at the centre of school life - given the choice, he would definitely choose boarding over a day place at the school!
I am local to Cranbrook, living just outside the catchment area and am fortunate to be able to regularly attend school events, matches etc, which helps me to keep up to date with what’s happening and stay in regular contact with the Headmaster and Head of Boarding.
I am honoured to have been asked to chair the ABC and, along with the rest of the committee, look forward to being of service to you and your children! Please do get in touch if we can be of help.

Vice President: Marie-Claire Erith
I have been a parent at Cranbrook since September 2015. My daughters are boarders in Scott; their older sister was also in Scott for five years.
We set up the ABC Committee in the spring of 2020 during the first lockdown to support the boarding provision at Cranbrook.
Vice President: Georgina Stephenson
We are ‘local’ boarding parents, living half an hour from Cranbrook, and have had children at the school since 2014.
Our elder daughter Lucy was in Blubery and left the school in 2019.
Florence is in Scott in Yr13.