When you are buying online, you can generate a free cash donation to the CSPA with every purchase via Give as you Live Online.
There are over 6,000 top retailers taking part in the scheme, making it easy for you to make a difference without it costing you a penny more than the normal purchase price of your item. It is so quick and easy to sign up too:
Browse: start your shop from Give as you Live Online by finding the store you'd like to shop with on their website, app or Donation Reminder
Shop: once you've clicked through, just shop as normal. Everything will look the same, but as long as you've visited the store from the Give as you Live Online website, they'll know you're a Give as you Live Online shopper
Raise: Give as you Live Online will automatically add a donation to your account and pay the CSPA
You can download a free desktop reminder and mobile app.
Remember to click on www.giveasyoulive.com first every time you shop online!