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AGM MINUTES – 8 December, 2015



1 Welcome and Declaration of a Quorum Mark Freeman welcomed approximately 65 parents to the AGM and declared that there was a quorum.

2 Minutes of the AGM of 18th November 2014 The minutes were confirmed as a correct record of the meeting. There were no matters arising.

3 Chairman’s Report A full copy of the Chairman’s Report will be made available on the Cranbrook School Website under CSPA.

4 Treasurer’s Report and Accounts Copies of the audited accounts were made available to the meeting. £27,335 has been raised from subscriptions, events and merchandising. Grants of £32,055 have been made.

Available Funds:

  1. Sinking Fund available for major projects         £35,000.00

  2. General Fund                                                    £32,385.00

5 Summary of Activities of the CSPA Sub-Committees

5.1 Social and Fundraising Sub-Committee

The following events were organised:

  1. Summer Ball

  2. Burns Supper

  3. Quiz Night

Funds were also raised through the following:

  1. Relaunching the 750 Club as the Lotto

  2. Selling branded merchandise at various events

  3. Selling 750 Christmas Puddings

  4. Setting up the second-hand uniform shop

  5. Increasing the number of Parent Subscriptions

  6. The Giving Machine initiative.

5.2 Education Support Sub-Committee

This committee organised the following events for parents:

  1. New Parents’ welcome drinks

  2. Careers Fair

  3. A-levels & Beyond

  4. Teen Issues

  5. Building Resilience: E-safety and Alcohol & Parties

  6. Cranbrook Learning

  7. Mindfulness

5.3 Spending Sub-Committee

This Committee agreed to finance the following equipment for the school:

  1. Cardio Gym

  2. Hockey shelters

  3. Weight training equipment

  4. Cricket bag & balls

  5. Queen’s Hall Theatre sound & projector system

  6. Biology microscopes

  7. D of E tracking devices

  8. 3d printer

  9. Short-story & Literacy prizes

  10. Telescope MOT & eye-piece

  11. Debating workshop

  12. Robotics Club

  13. Digital Leaders’ programme

6 Reappointment of Auditors

The Chairman proposed that the auditors should be reappointed: McCabe Ford Williams were reappointed as auditors. Proposed by Catherin Poole, seconded by Teen Desoutter

7 Election of Officers

  1. Mark Freeman was re-elected as Chairman

  2. Catherine Lupton was re-elected as Vice Chairman

  3. Philippa Marshall was re-elected as Treasurer

  4. Susan May was re-elected as Secretary Proposed by Catherin Poole, seconded by Teen Desoutter

8 Election of Executive Committee

The following were elected to the Executive Committee for the forthcoming year:

  1. Angharad Lynn was elected

  2. Caroline Cloke was re-elected

  3. Henrietta King was re-elected

  4. Georgia Read Cutting was re-elected

  5. Mike Bull was re-elected

  6. Neil Tomlin was elected

  7. Robert Miller was elected Proposed by Catherin Poole, seconded by Teen Desoutter

9 Any Other Business

Mark Freeman thanked the following members of the Executive Committee who stood down in the last year for their support:

  1. Alasdair Cross

  2. Elise Sandison

  3. Julie Griggs

  4. Julie Lerpiniere

  5. Ros Jones

Mark Freeman also thanked the parents for their generosity, the Committee members and officers, the House Representatives, Henrietta and Georgia for organising social events and fundraising, and the teachers and students for running clubs.

A question was raised about how Communications could be improved in that a couple of things had been lost in the middle of recent communications. Could it be the key for improved fundraising? John Weeds said that the new website will be launched at the end of next term, and although weekly bulletins were good, one-off things, like the financial situation, were not communicated as well. Mark Freeman admitted that the AGM had been advertised more as a talk on Mindfulness because more parents would be interested in attending that than attending the CSPA AGM.

It was also suggested that reminders were repeated with links to the website like Invicta Grammar.

There being no other business, Mark Freeman declared the 2015 CSPA AGM closed.



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