Last Wednesday, the 11th of January, the Food Tech Department held Cranbrook School’s Annual Bake Off, with prizes sponsored by the CSPA. Behold the photos of the lovely cakes produced by the students!

Henrietta King, the CSPA Chair, along with Dr Weeds and school chef, Graeme Edmonds, all had the honour AND the pleasure of judging the competition.

The cakes were amazing and it was a very close final! After much deliberation, it was announced that Scott came 3rd, Bluberry 2nd and Horsley Girls first! Many congratulations to the talented and very creative contestants!

The cakes had to be two-tiered and the theme was gardening, so decorations were flowers and vegetables. They also had to include vegetables in their ingredients so the girls put either beetroot, courgette or both in. The cakes were delicious and it was difficult to judge! (But not to eat!)

May I remind you that the CSPA is still looking for parents, especially in lower years, to join us to replace those whose children are leaving the school soon. As you can see, there are perks to being on the team! Henrietta avoided having her photo taken while “judging”, but Graeme here demonstrates what advantages can be had if you get involved!
And of course, many thanks to you all for the support you give to the CSPA and therefore to the school!
The CSPA team