The CSPA is very pleased to announce the revival of an old Cranbrook tradition called “Book Buddies” which aims to build up a collection of library books that the incoming Year 7s can enjoy .
The CSPA will be funding a cosy “reading nook” in the library in conjunction with head librarian Christine Newman and a group of year 12 students.
Sixth form students are being invited to nominate a book that they loved when they were 11. Then, having checked with Mrs Newman that the book is not already in stock, they can purchase the book and donate it to the Library.
Bookplates are also being provided by the CSPA. They will be designed by a student and will display a message about why the 6th former liked the particular book and about their time as a student at Cranbrook School.
The 6th formers will also be encouraged to speak with their Buddy about their book choice.
Letter From Christine Newman
“Book Buddies for 6th form/Year 7
I am delighted to provide you with information about our Book Buddies scheme which the school is running in conjunction with the CSPA. Book Buddies aims to link 6th form students with the new Year 7 students through the joy of shared reading.
The scheme is simple: students in Years 12 and 13 are invited to donate a book (fiction or non-fiction), which they particularly enjoyed reading as an 11 year old, to the school library. The donated book will bear an inscription from the student explaining why he/she loved reading it back in Year 7. Furthermore, those students donating books in Year 12 will then be linked with the new 11 year olds in September for shared reading and book discussion in the library and during tutorials.
Book Buddies will operate as follows:
6th form students to choose the title of the book they wish to donate and seek approval from Mrs Newman in the library to avoid duplication
6th form students to purchase a copy of their chosen book and deliver to the library
6th form students to complete a commemorative book plate/review to be inserted into the donated book
The deadline for donating books is 31st March
Please could I ask you to bring Book Buddies to the attention of your sons/daughters in Years 12 and 13 and encourage them to take part in this new scheme aimed to help with the integration of our new year group and to further promote reading.
Yours faithfully
Christine Newman Librarian/Head of Webster Girls
3rd February 2017″