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CSPA Car Boot Sale

Stick your boot in

…to Cranbrook School’s first-ever Car Boot Sale being held from 9am-1pm on Sunday June 18. For sellers, gates open at 7am.

It’s time to turn out your drawers, empty your cupboards and make some money for yourselves and the school. Pitches are £10 for cars and £20 for vans and entry is £1 per person or £2 before 9am. Kids are free! So whether you want to sell your worldly goods or buy up someone else’s, come along to Rammell Field, near Frythe Way in Cranbrook (opposite Cranbrook Windmill).

Please scroll down the page to book your pitch online

We need volunteers to provide refreshments and help serve them on the day, along with helpers who can man the gates, collect entry fees and help to marshal visitors. Please use the form below to contact CSPA chair Henrietta King if you can help.

Online ticket sales for this event are closed.


©2021 by Cranbrook School Parents' Association

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